jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008

Piensa en mi cuando sufras. Última Entrega

IX. Day. Kitchen. Officer turns into an Automat

- Poor boy, it must be a really tough case for you huh?
- Yes, miss
- Well, dont you worry, Im going yo make it dead simple. Show me to your police car, we'll go catch the bad guy.
- Can I make the sirens wail?
- Of course you can! You are the law enforcer! You have to make sirens wail right?
- Right, right... So are we going after that James guy then?
- Oh no! Lord Charles is the bad guy, remember? Repeat after me: Lord
- Lord
- Charles
- Charles
- Is
- Is
- The
- The
- Bad
- Bad
- Guy
- Guy
- Very good!

X. Day. Sally's Coffiure. Best of Lucks from James

- They are coming after you.
- How do you know.
- Because I sent them.
- Right. You Bastard.
- I just did it because I know Im the bad guy.
- No, George was the bad guy, you are just a...
- Little bitch? Whore? Tramp? I'm the bad guy, Charles. Not a half-hearted stick-selling criminal, but a silver screen villain. I'm like Bette Davies in 'Jezebel'...
- But with a bald spot
- Yes. With a bald spot. You were always the funniest, though you never managed to distinguish when we were laughing with you, and when we were laughing at you.
- So tell me James, which kind of laugh is this one
-... I heard you dont shower anymore.
- I turned indie, after my wife died
- Car crash right? Im so sorry, Charles
- Dont be, I merely meant to use her death as a reference in time, I actually turned indie because its good for politics. Talking about wifes though, weren't you sleeping with George's?
- There is this thing she does, you see. Some sort of gourmet voodoo. But dont think she could even fry an egg properly, she just knows how to shop for good paté. At first, there was that. Then there was the fact that having sex with her got on George's nerve, which gave me an advantage in our Scrabble matches.
- So you slept with George's wife because of Scrabble.
- Right. And also because I knew I could use her to further incriminate you
-Further incriminate me? I walked through the crowded boulevard with a stick still bloody from my cheating lover's murder
- Perhaps I over-planned
- Perhaps
- Listen, I called to tell you why I did all the things I did. I mentioned 'Jezebel' remember? You know how in that movie Bette Davies is all conceited, and let's some guy die just to show her first and only love, who married another woman, some point she isn't really sure about?
- You are going to tell me you were in love with George?
-Of course not! If I were to use Jezebel just as an example of how much of bad ass I am, I would be wasting such a clever analogy. Bette Davies wasn't even at her meanest in that movie. What's important is how after fucking up everybody's life she decides to sacrifice herself for her man, even if he is married to a much nicer, way thinner, woman.
- But you said you didn't even love George, and he is already dead, so I don´t see were the point of you sacrificing could be.
- The point is that after mindlessly messing with other people's life for the sake of being the leading character...
- You mean supporting character, or main villain at most
-Whatever, Charles. The thing is that as a final act of redemption I've decided to warn you about George's wife and some generic cop that by now must be unto you. So go, flee the country if you can, go somewhere nice, like Rio. Best of lucks - click.

XI. Day. Police car outside Sally's. Gourmet voodoo once again

- That's it! Sally's Couffiure, he'll be there!
- Why are you so sure?
- Because there is where Charles and George used to get our hairs done, mine and Charle's wife I mean.
- Did they actually fixed your hairs theirselves?
- Of course not! they just gave directions to make sure our heads said the right thing... Oh don't look at me like that! I mean one's hair could easily say 'wife-like sexy' and be confused with 'slutty-because-of-marital-unhappiness sexy'. Important men can't take that risk!
- May I... Ignore all of that miss, it makes me feel uneasy.
-Sure, why not. Remember this though, Charles we'll resist arrest so you'll have to shoot!
- Do I have to?
- Just if you are interested in this babies
- Are those... codfish croquettes?
- They are. Do you want them?
-Yes miss.
-Real bad?
-Yes miss.

XII Day. Sally's Coffiure. Shoot!

Piensa en mi cuando sufras. Cuando llores, tambien piensa en mi. Cuando quieras quitarme la vida, no la quiero, para nada, para nada me sirve, sin ti.... Turn it off, Sally, they are here

- Charles, you killed my husband.
- Yes.
- That was really thoughtless of you, we were getting a new fence for our backyard.
- Im very sorry.
- Well, I guess there isn't much else left to say.
- There isn't.
-Goodbye, Charles.

It seems that the time streches endlessly as the police officer loads and points the gun. But after a while this solemn feeling is replaced by the certainty that the officer was clearly not shooting.

- Its just that I've got so many questions!
- Me too!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Whats your name?
- Im Sally.
- Nice to meet you Sally, Im the officer.
- Does it all seem in a way... flimsy to you too?
- It does, Sally! Wouldnt it be nice to just sit for a while and discuss it all over a cup of

But then, the wife snatches the gun

- How does this..


XII Day. Mohitos in heaven.

- George?
- Charles.
- I'm sorry
- Me too.
- Shall we?
- Sure, wait till you try the mohitos

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

posteen más malparidos